int. tel: +44 (0)207 980 3800

WRS Lime Street Brokers GmbH

Legal Notice 

and Erstinformation nach §15 VersVermV[German Ordinance on Insurance Intermediation]

Lime Street Insurance Brokers Limited
8 Eagle Court
London, UK

Within Europe, our insurance intermediation services are offered via our fully owned subsidiary 

WRS Lime Street Brokers GmbH
Hohe Bleichen 8
20354 Hamburg

Court of registration:

Hamburg HRB 179454
VAT ID: DE362091515
Managing Directors: Ian Ward, Nikolaus Sühr 

Content responsibility: 

WRS Lime Street Brokers GmbH is a Registered Intermediary; an insurance broker with authorisation according to § 34 d para. 1 GewO [German Trade Regulation] with registration number: D-7VTZ-Z8L6B-38.


WRS Lime Street Brokers GmbH will be remunerated by a commission received from the carrier which is an integral part of the premium. In some circumstances, WRS Lime Street Brokers GmbH will also receive a fee from the intermediary who introduces the business. It is also possible that WRS Lime Street Brokers GmbH will receive additional remuneration for certain aspects of its business.

Our registration in the Register of Intermediaries can be viewed at the following places:

The joint register office within the meaning of § 15 Absatz 1 Nummer 9 VersVermV is as follows:

Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) e.V.
Breite Straße 29
10178 Berlin
Telefon: 0180 600 58 50 (0,20 €/Anruf)
Öffentliches Vermittlerregister:

The supervisory authority responsible for the activity of WRS Lime Street Brokers GmbHas an insurance broker is the “Handelskammer Hamburg” [Hamburg Chamber of Commerce], Adolphsplatz 1, 20457 Hamburg

Commercial law regulations in respect of our insurance intermediation activities:
• 34d Gewerbeordnung (GewO) [German Trade Regulation]
• § 59 – 68 Versicherungsvertragsgesetz (VVG) [German Law on Insurance Contracts]
• Versicherungsvermittlerverordnung (VersVermV) [German Ordinance on Insurance Intermediation]

The commercial law regulations can be viewed and accessed on the homepage run by the Federal Ministry of Justice and juris GmbH

Information on participation in the dispute settlement procedure in accordance with § 36 Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz [Consumer Dispute Settlement Act]

According to § 17 Abs. 4 der Versicherungsvermittlungsverordnung  [German Ordinance on Insurance Intermediation], we are obliged to participate in the dispute settlement procedure before the following consumer arbitration boards:

Arbitration board for the out-of-court settlement of disputes:

• Insurance Ombudsman e.V.
P.O. Box 08 06 32
10006 Berlin

• Ombudsman for private health and long-term care insurance
P.O. Box 06 02 22
10052 Berlin

Online dispute resolution according to:

Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO
The European Union provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS platform), which you can find at:
The insurance broker advises the customer and will always act honestly, fair and professionally towards the policyholder in his best interests.

Insurance broker compensation

Unless otherwise agreed, the broker receives a brokerage fee for the mediation and advisory work in the usual amount depending on the premium. Notwithstanding this, at the request of the customer, direct compensation of the insurance broker can be agreed in the form of a fee payable by the customer.

The insurance broker does not receive any other benefits.

Liability Notice

Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.


The content of this website is for general informational purposes only. WRS Lime Street Brokers GmbH assumes no liability for material or immaterial damage due to errors or deficiencies with regard to the topicality, correctness and completeness of this website - despite careful examination of the information / details. Otherwise, liability is limited to wilful intent and gross negligence.

WRS Lime Street Brokers GmbH expressly reserves the right to change, add to or delete individual pages or parts thereof without prior notice, or to temporarily or completely discontinue publication.

If these websites are linked from another website, WRS Lime Street Brokers GmbH assumes no responsibility for representations, content or any connection to WRS Lime Street Brokers GmbH on third party websites. No responsibility or liability can be assumed for the content and functionality of other websites that can be accessed via links on this website.


The contents and works on this site created by the site operator are subject to copyright law. Duplication, editing, distribution, and any other use outside what is allowed under copyright law requires the written consent of the particular author or respectively creator. Downloads and copies of this site are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. Insofar as the content on this site was not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are observed. In particular, the contents of third parties will be marked as such. Should you find, in spite of this notice, a breach of copyright, we request that you inform us appropriately. If violations of rights are made known to us, we will remove such content immediately.