Product Guarantee
Accidental Contamination
Where a recall is instigated – because the use or consumption of the named product has led / will lead to bodily injury, sickness, etc – cover is available for the assured’s own costs following accidental contamination of a product it has manufactured.
Cover extends to the assured’s own loss of profit etc as per the policy definition.
Malicious Contamination
When actual alleged or threatened contamination of the Insured product gives reasonable cause to consider the Insured product to be unfit or dangerous for its intended use.
Cover responds (as above) to contamination that has occurred due to a malicious act.
Cover applies (as above) for the costs incurred due to extortion, or the threat of extortion, involving the assured’s products.
Cover Summary
- Pre-Recall Expenses
- Product Replacement Costs
- Product Rehabilitation - Food and Drink
- Gross loss of profits - Risks Only
For further information see the following links: